Can You Own Capybaras in Canada? [Answered]

Can You Own Capybaras in Canada

Owning A Capybaras Pet in Canada

Capybaras are one of the most popular exotic pets in Canada for good reason: they make adorable pets. These cute, soft, and cuddly rodents can be trained to do tricks and have a high intelligence level. They’re also social by nature and require companionship from their owners, so it’s important to keep them happy and healthy. So what do you need to know about owning a capybara? Let’s take a look!

Capybaras in Canada are usually treated as exotic pets

Capybaras are not native to Canada. They are more commonly found in South America and have been introduced to several areas of Canada where they can be found as exotic pets. If you’re thinking about getting a capybara pet, it’s important that you check with your local laws before making the decision.

Some provinces do not allow capybara ownership

  • Some provinces do not allow capybara ownership. For example, Manitoba and Alberta have strict rules on the size of the yard and fence that must be present to keep your pet capybara secure.
  • Other provinces allow you to own a pet Capybaras as long as you follow certain guidelines. In Ontario, for example, it’s illegal to keep more than one animal in your home at any given time; however, there are no restrictions on how many animals you can own if they’re all kept outside.

You will need a license to own capybaras

You will need to contact your local government to find out what the requirements are. Some provinces require a license, but many don’t. If you live in British Columbia, Quebec, or Ontario and plan on importing a capybara into Canada (or bringing one over from another country), then it’s best to check with the relevant authorities regarding regulations regarding ownership before making any purchases.

Let your local vet know you have a capybara

It’s important to let the vet know that you have a capybara, so they can help you with any questions. They may ask about your plans for breeding, keeping the capybara as an indoor pet, or if you plan on keeping it in an enclosure.

Capybaras are social and require companionship

Capybaras are social animals, which means they need companionship. A capybara will feel more comfortable with a companion capybara in the same room or even next to it. You can have two adult females together, but it’s important that they get along well with each other—and they must be able to see each other at all times! If one of them is hiding behind furniture or under something like a blanket (which happens sometimes), then your capybara may not be feeling very happy about its living situation.

You must provide proper shelter for capybaras in Canada

You need to provide your pet capybara with a large enclosure. This will be its home and it should be able to use the entire area of its enclosure daily. It should have access to water, food, shelter from the elements, and places where it can hide from other animals or humans when necessary.

The size of your capybara’s cage depends on how much space you want for yourself in your backyard or apartment complex but it also depends on what kind of experience you want out of owning one! A small dog cage is perfect for smaller dogs because they don’t require as much space as larger animals do when kept indoors at all times; however, if you’re looking forward to having one that lives inside their entire life then we would recommend getting something bigger than what’s needed here because sometimes these things get bigger than expected over time (which is why there are so many different sizes available).

Know the legal requirements for importing exotic pets in Canada

When you’re considering whether or not to bring home a capybara, keep in mind that there are some legal requirements.

The first thing to consider is whether or not it’s possible for you to get a permit from Health Canada (the federal department responsible for regulating all aspects of health care). If so, then all other legal requirements will fall into place—you just need to know what they are!

To import a capybara into Canada, you must be at least 18 years old and live in Canada. This means that if your parents want their adult children to have pets and own exotic pets like this one, they can help facilitate getting permits through their own immigration status as long as they live close enough together so they can be together while caring for these animals at home without going too far away from each other physically due to lack of resources/money, etc…

You will also require a permit to import an exotic pet or animal into Canada

You will also require a permit to import an exotic pet or animal into Canada. The CFIA requires a veterinarian’s report, as well as all necessary permits and licenses before you can bring your capybara home. You must also have the right facilities in order to house an animal like this one.

Capybaras make great pets if you can provide them with a suitable environment.

Capybaras are very social animals, so they need to be kept with other capybaras in an enclosure or large room. They will also enjoy being around other pets and people. If you plan on living overseas for long periods of time, then a capybara might not be the best pet for you as it can get lonely without its friends!

Capybaras also require a large cage or enclosure to live in—at least 2 feet by 3 feet (0-1 meter) high—because they like to climb high things like trees and fences when they feel bored or out of control! The size depends on how many people visit your home regularly; if there’s only one person at home most days then maybe just buy him an aquarium instead because those tend not to have any issues getting wet either way…


We hope that you have found this information useful and helpful in your decision to own a capybara. We also encourage you to contact us with any other questions about capybaras or the process of importing one into Canada.

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